Aris A Yaacob: Radical-Malay-Anglophile Artist

" He is a prolific and original artist. Aris A Yaacob is man portraying the puppet-shadows of spirits of mankind past and present " ......... Elizabeth Ann-Colville, Art Critic. Aris A Yaacob art works have been collected by Bluequadrant Design London,Jimmy Choo OBE, MHC London, WSA, YTL, The National Art Gallery Malaysia, KL-Council, PWTC, MAYA Gallery and individual such as Sara Shah and The Royal Family of Malaysia. This web-log is a documentation of Aris A Yaacob's journey as an artist.


Aris A Yaacob: Critic's Choice

(Title: Sarkah - The White Birds, Medium: Acrylic on perspex & canvas, Dimension: 1 x 1 m, Price: £7000, Courtesy of Jeanne Hornshaw)

'The paints and drawings are sumptuous, evocative of other worlds, barely glimpsed realities, shadow realms’
Dr Matthew Isaac Cohen, RHUL